We Eliminate Barriers For Nonprofits So That They Can Eliminate Barriers For B.C.’s Children.

It starts with you. Are you ready to make a difference in your community? To work collaboratively with nonprofits and community organizations and achieve collectively more than any of us could achieve alone? We’ll connect you to people and organizations that share your passion, and together we will amplify your impact.
And amplify, we do. For every dollar invested with SVP, the additional value generated for our nonprofit partners is immediately more than doubled.
And this calculation is only capturing the quantifiable outputs of our Time, Talent, Treasure, and Ties that we can monetize. It doesn’t capture the less tangible, yet still invaluable, supports we provide, such as how our relationship can shape the trajectory of an organization.
We are people for whom improving our community is part of our life’s journey. We’re ready to tackle our society’s greatest challenges. Together.
As a Partner You Can:
- Amplify your impact. For every dollar donated, the additional value generated for our nonprofits through our Time, Talent, Treasure, and Ties is more than doubled.
- Invest confidently knowing we conduct extensive due diligence on the organizations we work with.
- Gain knowledge of the issues impacting your community.
- Learn more about the complexity and nuances of the social purpose sector.
- Work with like-minded individuals to make positive change.
- Apply your skills and knowledge to a social cause that matters.
- Witness the impact of your investment by working directly with nonprofits.

How It Works
Partner donations are pooled to fund the local nonprofits that SVP supports as well as our programming and operations. How much you engage is entirely up to you. These contributions are stretched further by Partners who volunteer their time and skills to strengthen our Investees, SVP, and the community at large.
Partner roles are very flexible. Some Partners choose to simply make a charitable donation knowing that the impact of their gift will be amplified by SVP’s due diligence process and time plus money model. Some Partners become actively engaged with our Investees, and others take advantage of our education sessions and peer networking opportunities.
Ways To Get Involved
- Be part of the due diligence process to review and screen incoming organizations.
- Join a Community of Practice and provide support in one of our nine capacity building areas directly to an Investee.
- Become a Lead Partner working closely with our Investees throughout their funding cycle with us.
- Learn more about the social purpose sector through our knowledge events and workshops.
- Connect with other like-minded philanthropists and changemakers.
- Volunteer with an organization’s programs and service delivery (when available)

Join Our Community
We encourage you to support SVP with a contribution that is meaningful for you. Of course there is no one way to do this! But as a guide--some people view a meaningful contribution as a percentage of their annual income (3-10%).
Personally SignificantYoung Partner
Individuals 40 and under are eligible for the Young Partner level, with a minimum contribution of $1,200 annually.
$6,000 - $9,999Partner
This is SVP Vancouver’s entry contribution level for individuals.
$10,000 - $24,999Leadership Partner
Leadership Partners have the ability to nominate one additional household for SVP partnership.
$25,000 +Changemaker Partner
Changemaker Partners have the ability to nominate two additional households for SVP Partnership. They also have optional access to additional, curated co-investment opportunities in high-impact organizations.
$50,000+Transformational Partner
Transformational Partners have the ability to nominate four additional households for SVP Partnership. They also have optional access to additional, curated co-investment opportunities in high-impact organizations.
$50,000+Community Business Partner
SVP becomes a part of your corporate giving program and a framework for employees to get involved with local charities.